EarthworksNYC is a storefront teaching studio on two floors, with a small retail gallery located in the front offering items for sale and inspiration. The street level contains our wheel throwing studio, complete with wedging tables, work tables, clean-up sinks, and clay recycling stations. Class shelves for storing wet work (in progress) line the studio walls.
The downstairs studio is used primarily for handbuilding and glazing. Our kilns and glazes are located downstairs, as well as the bathroom. Lining the walls are storage shelves for each class' bisque-fired work, as well as staging shelves for greenware and glazed work awaiting firing.
Our studio is well supplied with quality clay, glazes and equipment. Studio glazes are mixed from scratch, clay is recycled and processed by hand. All space is shared space and organized by class. Students and teachers take part in keeping the studio clean and well-ordered.
Answers to frequently asked Questions:
Q: How can I register for a class?
A: Go to our Classes page on the website to see availability and register there.
Q: Do you have a waitlist for classes?
A: We don’t keep a waitlist but if you subscribe to our newsletter/emails, we will send a notification of when classes are available for registration.
Q: Do you have private classes for individuals or groups of any kind?
A: Earthworks is under new ownership as of February 1st, 2025. The new owner is considering offering private classes. Subscribe for updates!
Q: Do you have single classes so I can learn about pottery?
A: We hope to soon. Keep a lookout on our website.
Q: Do you have classes for children?
A: We are an adult teaching studio.
Q: Can I fire my pots that I made at home in your kiln?
A: We only fire pots made in our studio by our registered students using our clay and our glazes.
Q: Can you repair my Aunts’ tea pot?
A: We don’t do repairs. A good ceramic glue might help you.
Q: Do you do “paint a pot” classes for children?
A: We hope to soon. Keep a lookout on our webiste.
To keep informed of any changes to the above questions we always suggest that you subscribe to our newsletter/emails on the bottom of the Home page in our website. We will also make sure the website is always updated with our current information.